Sunday, August 24, 2014

Going eeling

During oral language this morning Richard described how he went eeling in the weekend.  We decided to write stories and going eeling.         

Some of our stories are very funny - we hope you like them!

I caught 8 eels. "Wow" said my friends. "Richard caught eels"  I didn't have to swim.   By Richard

Silly Richard
One day Richard went to the ocean and he went fishing for eels.  He got 800 fat eels.  His friends were sad so he shared them out until they had the same amount.  After that they went home and cooked them up.  they had them for dinner.  they went into their snuggly beds, BUT.....the cheek eel called Mr Silly  was very silly and he went to bed with everyone tonight.  He slept with Richard.  He giggled and they lived happily ever after.  By Toby

Richard went to catch some eels.  He caught 8.  He cooked them up for dinner.  "Yum" he said. By Cobie

Happy Feast
Richard went to a river to catch some eels.  Richard caught 8 eels. Some fat, some slimy and some thin ones.  But then Richard fell in the river.  he had to swim to the other side without destroying the eels.  then he had to jump back in the boat.  when they were finished the water was stormy.  When they got home they had a feast.   
By Ethan 

One day Richard went to the sparkling waves.  He saw his friends.  "Come and play with us"  But he was going home.  "I can't"  said Richard.  In the car he went and they cooked the eels and it was bedtime.  A slimy eel jumped up into bed and Richard screamed.  He told his mum and dad.      By Kyla 

One sunny day Richard and his Dad and his lovely friend went to catch eels.  When they caught them they were so slimy that they ran away.     By Jisita

Mr Mc EelOne sunny morning an eel hopped out of bed hoping he would catch a boy.  He had his breakfast and hoped into his car.  He drove and he drove and then he came to the perfect place.  He caught a boy named Richard.  the eel put Richard on display and laughed "Ha ha ha".  Richard could see the eels sharp slimy teeth and got really scared.  The eel was about to eat Richard when his dad rushed in and killed the eel.
   By Asher

One morning Richard went eeling with his cousins and Grandad.  Richard caught 8 eels.  After that they went back home for dinner. When it was cooked the eels were yummy.  By Isabella

Richard went to catch some big fat eels.  he caught 8 of them.  he cooked them up.  Then they were ready.  Richard said "It looks good and yummy".  Then he tasted it.  Richard lovedthe taste.  the taste was funny and bumpy.  By Jordyn

Monday, August 18, 2014

Asher's Reading Activity

Asher read a book about Sun bears.  The book was non-fiction so Asher's reading task was to choose some facts to share.  He had to take a photo of the bears, as well.

This work was done on the iPad on Pic Collage.  Well done Asher!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Learning About Forces

We have begun our Science unit looking at Forces.  We have learnt about pushing and pulling.  
We will show you some of the experiments that we have been doing.

We have been learning about gravity.  Here some of the activities we have been doing.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Making Gingerbread Men

Last term we read the story about the Gingerbread Man.  We decided to make Gingerbread Men at school.  We had to read and follow the recipe carefully.  It was great fun making them but the best part of all was eating them!